Sunday, 3 March 2013


Still working on my Mice & Mystics miniatures...


SereneJ said...

They're looking pretty sweet Jay m8 - still looking forward to a game of this in the future!

We've got a few games to get through and yet we still keep buying more - oh well, such is life (the hardships ;-)

Jay said...

Well I'm no painting expert, and I'm mostly using cheapass artists acrylics, but I'm happy enough with them.

Got some more beasties, and the heroes to finish yet though.

SereneJ said...

Lol - at least your painting - I aint done that in years!

I have told myself (and Becca) that once we move house I'd like to start painting a miniature system again - be it Necromunda, Bloodbowl or something new(ish) like Doom ;-)

Jay said...

The rest of the family were doing arty things today so I just got stuck in, made a change. I am a very slow painter though.

I have a plan to paint up my Dungeons & Dragons boardgame figures, but use them with some skirmish rules instead. I'm sure I'll get round to it one day. :)